Thursday, June 6, 2013

And God said, "Let There be Gloworms."

... and He saw that it was good.
Thank God for gloworms. And all things that allow me to keep my sanity when raising my little boy. Here are a few objects I don't know how I'd love without:

Makes sense given the title of the post. Benjamin absolutely LOVES this thing. He'll be crying, I'll turn it on and show it to him, and he'll stop. It's a quick fix that doesn't last, but it gives me that one minute of quiet that I need to figure out what's next. I also have it playing when I'm bouncing him to sleep.

Let's say I really need to throw in a load of laundry. Well, my little BabyB0t does not like it when he can't see me. Unless... I set him down on his little jungle themed playmat with the toys hanging above him. It makes music and the little toy animals move. He's so entertained, it takes him 10-20 minutes to even notice I'm gone most of the time. I just check on him every few minutes and he's one happy camper.

I need a shower every now and again, but I'm not going to set my son on the bathroom floor. And I can't take him in with me because something tells me that would make shaving my legs a bit difficult. The bouncer allows me to bring him into the bathroom so I can keep an eye on him while I get clean. And he gets quite the concert. The bouncer is also useful in the kitchen when I want to get some dishes done or possibly even make lunch.

Infant Carrier
I always feel good about myself after a walk. I enjoy doing it and it's good for me. Even with a baby who's fussy most of the time right now, I can usually count on him to stay calm enough for a walk outside. Benjamin loves facing forward in the infant carrier outside. I get to work off some of this extra weight and he gets to explore and experience new things... or fall asleep. Win, win.

When all else fails... I give in. I know, shame on me. When he won't breastfeed, sleep, or play, is freaking out and I still don't know what to do, I give him a bottle. It calls him down so I don't feel like my head is gonna explode. As much as I would like to be able to say I exclusively breastfeed, 4-8oz of formula a day helps me stay sane. And that's kind of important to me...

There you have it. Everyone is different and that includes babies, so I'm sure these don't work for everyone. But those are some of the things that work for us... for now, anyway.

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