Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!

I do apologize for the delay. What's it been, 3 months or so? To be honest, I forgot for a while. And then I went through something very personal and painful, which I may talk a bit about in the future. I'm still dealing with some things, but I will try to get back into blogging as well.


Scenario: you have company coming over. Your house is a mess because... Well, when do you seriously have time to clean? The problem isn't that your house is a mess. You're a mom. You can live with that. The problem is that it looks messy. What do you do?
Here are some things I do to try and make my place look cleaner when I have an unexpected guest.

Living Room
Clear off the couch. However you can. Pile it up on the floor next to the couch of you have to. Just clear off the couch.

Move the dirty dishes from the counter to the sink. Doing them is better of course, but there's not always time for that.

This one is pretty good. Close the shower curtain. Most of the clutter is there any way. Easily can make the bathroom appear 50% cleaner. Also, if you have the time, just wipe down the counter.

Make the bed. Even your floor can be covered in clothes and baby supplies. You look like one organized chick if your bed is made. Or if you're really lazy/busy (as I often am), just pull over the top blanket/comforter to make it look like the bed is made.

Make sure all your closets and cupboards are closed and you're set. If you'll excuse me, I have some "cleaning" to do.

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